Sustainable Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Sustainable Solutions for a Sustainable Future
This green retreat embodied many ecological ideals, catering to families and nature enthusiasts seeking sustainable leisure options. Designed as an urban oasis, this green sanctuary balances natural charm with modern conveniences, ensuring environmental stewardship. The place has ample space for guests to stroll through, integrated pathways and indulge in eco-rides, fostering a deeper connection with nature. The retreat is one-of-its-kind in the region and will harmoniously blend with the natural agricultural scenery to flourish without the constraints of a traditional plantation setup. Guests can indulge in farm-to-table cuisine and relax amidst vibrant greenery, whether it’s in tranquil settings like the zen, fruit gardens, or an outdoor entertainment spot. With numerous chances for connection and revitalization against a backdrop of lush surroundings, this retreat promises an enriching experience for all with only organic offerings as it engages local communities to work for their own good with no plastic policy. The project supports eight SDG goals and is sponsored by the European Commission to drive transformations for the SDG 2030 Agenda.
The firm’s Platform-as-a-Service is helping to achieve Net Zero by leveraging software, AI, and blockchain to restore trust in carbon credit markets, aggregating carbon market participants into a global ecosystem for financial and environmental gains, with a focus on energy, water, and food. It serves as a distributed hub and connective tissue to link multiple international carbon exchanges and other buyside carbon emitters and custodians with supply-side carbon offset projects and ESG project owners globally to drive distribution. For the purpose of keeping carbon credit ledger data up to date, their software also communicates with reputable third-party registries.
Carbon offsets are vital to channel funds to conservation and sustainable development while reducing climate emissions. This company prioritizes a balance of high-impact clean energy projects and reforestation to deliver results that are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It specializes in giving clients advice on energy efficiency, clean energy options, tracking carbon emissions, and carbon credits, in addition to providing full energy and carbon offset services. By providing tools and resources to quantify, decrease, and offset their carbon footprint, it has, to date, assisted many businesses and individuals to take climate action into their own hands through programs for the aviation and e-commerce industries.
The EU has made electric watercraft a priority; funding a battery-powered 60-meter car and passenger ferry to prove the concept as part of their Horizon 2020 research program. After a year of service, the e-ferry’s operators concluded that the system has a highly sustainable energy efficiency of 85%, almost twice that of diesel boats. With this background, the US$20 billion market expectation for electric watercraft seems more than reasonable. To support this industry, we are following a firm that has designed, and begun delivering, an electric-powered watercraft. Destined for the lucrative leisure market, this is a mere stepping stone to the huge water taxi market for which a design is already complete.
According to the World Health Organization, one in six deaths in 2018 were due to cancer, and one-third of global cancer deaths are due to lung cancer. This firm has developed a medical technology that detects one of the deadliest types of cancer and treats it without damaging healthy cells and tissues. Its electromagnetic stimulation, combined with a nanotechnology system, has demonstrated the preclinical treatment to be safe and effective. The medical device has been classified as class III to chronically treat and reduce cancer’s mass significantly from further development. The firm has started Phase I and seeking investments to support this phase. Based on Phase I results, which will be within 12-15 months, they plan an IPO for Phase II, the last one before the commercial launch in North America by 2024.
This European FinTech has created a unique business model to exploit and support the burgeoning demands for advanced education and re-skilling to meet the needs of Industry 4.0. The firm’s platform matches investors with advanced learners by exploiting the fully scalable and high-return potential of non-loan Income Share Agreements (ISA’s). Investors in ISA’s may finely tune their investment criteria to match their corporate objectives, which may include CSR targets. Currently, the firm is proposing two types of investment opportunity: in the infinite possibilities of direct investments in ISA’s and, more conventionally, investments in shares (and, as the firm is designated by the French state as an innovative firm, offers the possibility of French residency/citizenship).
More than twice a year, the financially elite of Family Offices around the world meet together in the nouveau riche locations of Monaco and Dubai.
It has been a privilege for me to attend both the Dubai and Monaco sessions in the last several years. During this time, the primary change that I have observed is an increasing interest in the ESG sector, with sustainability coming to the fore. Since my core mission is to introduce innovative new sustainability-focused companies to the investment community, this has been a welcoming trend.
The most recent Ritossa Family Office Summit, held in Dubai from 28th to 31st March 2021 and inaugurated by the UAE Ministry of Economy, was no exception.
Among many items on the menu were renewable (solar) energy, NFTs, charity and impact investing. With the world trying to push past the pandemic, investors, supported by record levels of stimulus but still in stumbling economies, brought the common intent to the table on making the world a better place. The UAE initiatives on this front are models to be followed.
As I met old and new friends at the Summit, it was gratifying to share stories of the companies and individuals that we have been writing about in my monthly newsletter, ‘Investor Insights’ (www.sinnthya.com). My objective, as always, was to be able to offer investors viable options that will nurture their vision of sustainability into the reality of good financial returns.
Hopefully, we can all look forward soon to a period of less restrictive travel options, making the Ritossa Family Office Summit in Monaco a possibility so that I may continue to push forward with my sustainability mission.
A world of brightness is always welcome especially during these transitional times that we are in. To me, the Ritossa Family Office Summit recently held in Dubai was one such example of finesse and fineness.
This prestigious end-of-year global gathering of like-minded leaders hosted many esteemed global leading family offices and ultra-high net worth individuals gathered to discuss ‘The Rise and Rise of Family Offices’.
Sir Anthony Ritossa’s conference is an ideal platform for families from the GCC to discuss family journeys and how to build a winning mindset. He builds on the foundational message that “There’s an understanding that those with the most resources have the most responsibility for improving the world.”
Despite the global pandemic, the spirit of the gathering was bustling with energy. Entrepreneurs made a noticeable presence – they offered creative sustainable solutions towards a world ready for a new beginning.
Among the highlights of the summit was the first-time participation by Israeli delegates, insightful presentations on blockchain technology, digital assets, Artificial Intelligence, healthcare, online education, and the future of alternative energy. Talks around philanthropy and also the role of powerful and influential women caught my attention. I felt grounded to see how the right values were shaping our decisions. Closer to my heart, and my sustainable new-economy mission, were speakers on alternative energy (an area that Barclay’s research puts both likelihood and impact as highest in the ‘Energy & Environment’ category) and even protein production from insects – an important subject since the EU approved insects for human consumption.
Announced as one of the best investment summits, the Ritossa Family Office Summit was an intellectually enriching experience to once again be part of. It fed my appetite to learn more, grow more, and be wiser in the choices, I make for my future. The words of one speaker, therefore, stayed with me for longer – ESG investments are the way forward however they have to make financial sense. Certainly, in my work with sustainability-focused firms, we do our best to ensure that firms have a long-term viability profile before recommending them to investors.
Laced with the Achievement Awards and many panels on pressing issues of current times, it looks to me like this is the beginning of a new phase for the Ritossa Summit. To be in the midst of dignitaries and decision-makers was profound and my takeaway from the event was an assurance that the days ahead will be led with responsibility and respect for the evolving world as a whole.